Thursday, April 10, 2014

Down with Masculinist! (a long rant about stupid boys)

For those who don't know what a Masculinist is, Masculism or masculinism is the modern movement which aims to promote and restore classical masculine virtues among men in Western societies after the sexual revolutions of the latter half of the 20th century. 

That is Wikipedia's definition.

I, however, prefer Urban Dictionary's 2nd definition: "A "Masculinist" is a "Men's Rights Activist". No seriously. There are actually people who are so stupid they think that men are oppressed anywhere in the world. Just sit and think about the laughably small brain it takes to be an masculinist. While research on the feeding habits of masculinists is limited, feminists tend to speculate that they were fed paint in lieu of breast milk as a child. This would explain the intense mental retardation they have as adults. Feminist scholars also have concluded that masculinists are actually crab people who intend to shove women back into slavery (you might not notice too much of a difference), and then kill all the men and rule the earth themselves. It is thus suggested that you throw all masculinists on a grill and fry them to death. Do not eat them; the masculinist carries many fatal illnesses such as stupid, herpes, and Feline AIDS (they are known to fuck their cats, just like New Agers!)"

Okay so maybe the one is a little "offensive" to masculinists. I do feel they deserve it, though. Seriously, name one place on his planet that men don't have the final word on anything. Well, besides lesbian bars and feminists rallies. but they don't belong in those places, anyway, so it's no wonder at those places. They still try to dictate them, though.

The reason why America and Europe are the way they are today is because society started to realize that the way men were treating women was ridiculously unethical. Why would society want to take a step backwards just so Richard can tell Sarah to make him a sandwich and she really has no choice but to obey otherwise he has the right to hit her? FUCK. THAT. It's 2014, not 1954. Make your own damn sandwich, Richard.

Most of the so called "masculinists" are teenage boys who think it's cool to act like it's 1954 when it comes to woman's rights. They sit on meme pages and wait for admins to post a picture like so:

see how the mother and daughter are in the right corner doing dishes? 

Their response to this picture is usually along the lines of "the women are in the kitchen where they belong! hell yeah!" or "uh-oh! here come the feminists! watch out, everyone." How sad.

It's like we aren't even allowed to defend ourselves against they're brainless comments without being labeled a feminists or getting a speech about a "woman's place." yet when we make such comments about them, we
are being "totally ridiculous" and we need to "stop being so sensitive." My favorite it the whole "how is it equality if we don't treat you the same?" argument. 

For example, this picture was recently posted on a meme page i follow on Facebook. Of course, it had all the above comments and then some. Pictures like this don't really bother me because it was a different time and humanity has (somewhat) evolved past this type of thing. So being the good natured gal i am, i decided to post a joking comment on the picture. 

I posted, "Well, of course the men aren't in the kitchen doing dishes! Have you seen a man try to make a sandwich? what a disaster, haha." i got called a feminists, a stupid bitch, and retarded for making that comment. :I WHAT HAPPENED TO EQUALITY, MEN?

It just bothers me that i'm not allowed  to even joke about these things online without getting bitched at by a teenage boy who thinks he owns the world and has probably never even been with a female. This is why i prefer to hang with an older crowd.

Yes, i know there are older Masculinists. However, they aren't half as annoying as the teenage ones are. Plus some of them have very valid points. But overall, they're still pretty wrong. In my opinion, anyway.

Here, have a nice commercial. This is an example for what Masculinists are "fighting" for.

Here's a really cute picture to end this post!



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