Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Review: New York Color Liquid Eyeliner

When i first seen New York Color's liquid eyeliner in the makeup aisle, i was a little skeptical because i HATE spending a ton of money of makeup products that don't work and the cheapo stuff usually doesn't work. For $3, i thought "what the hell? might as well try it" I'm so glad i did! c:

It comes in this tube and has a brush applicator. I got #888, Pearlized Black. Although i don't usually get eyeliner with sparkles in it because it irritates my eyelids, the sparkles in this liner doesn't seem to bother them. This was the first brush liner i've ever used, so i'm still kind of clumsy with it. I absolutely love the color, though! It makes doing cat eyeliner a hell of a lot easier.

As far as long wear goes, it does last a while. I applied it around noon Sunday to go to my family's Easter get together then went to the river with some friends and then to the park. I didn't get home until about 9 pm and i still had intense color. The pollen was messing with my allergies and i had a small cold, so my eyes where pretty watery but even after rubbing them, the liner didn't really smudge or anything. I'm very satisfied with how long it lasts! The formula is kind of creamy, which is another thing i'm not used to. But it dried pretty fast, so i'm not too worried about. I actually like the way it feels on my eyelids.

i would defiantly recommend this to a friend, especially at such a low price.

Here are a few pictures i took while wearing yesterday. My nose it a little swollen from this stupid cold. >.<



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